48171 Museums in 207 Countries
Category : Cultural history: Community/Regional Cultural history: Indigenous Cultural history: Transportation/Industry
Adventure, Excitement, Romance…
Come discover how Edmonton's aviation pioneers made our city “The Gateway to the North”.
Whether on a guided tour, or a self-directed...read more
The Alberta Beach and District Museum and Archives Society is located just off the shores of Lac Ste Anne, in the Village of...read more
Ignite your imagination and turn your visit into an adventure.
Here at the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame & Museum, we...read more
We invite you to visit the Albertland Museum which houses memorabilia and history of the Albertland Settlement of the 1860’s. William Rawson BRAME had the vision of an ideal classless society to be...read more
Eine Sammlung mit über 200 Exponaten im Berghotel. Unsere Sammlung, welche Sie in der Ausstellung im hauseigenen Museum sehen, beinhaltet das graphische Werk des grossen Bergeller Künstlers Alberto...read more